Potion Brewing In The Dmg 5e

Incomplete Potions. Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

  1. List Of Potions 5e
  2. Creating Potions In 5e
  • From crafting fearsome weapons to brewing life-saving potions, creating magic items in your Dungeons and Dragons campaign is a gratifying pastime and exciting yet rarely used aspect of the game. In this article, we will explore official rules and non-canonical ideas for crafting magic items, weapons, and potions.
  • Makes artificers actually sound decent in hind sight. They can make a healing potion from water in 10 minutes. Thats 300 times faster than alchemy. If that rate.
  • You spend a number of hours equal to the spell’s level (cantrip potions are a half hour) brewing the potion. At the end of this time, make an Intelligence (Alchemist’s supplies) check DC 10 + the spell’s level or make a Potion of Gunk. Comparing the two methods, they seem about even.

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Potion, Rare

A faint blue light radiates from this vial of blue fluid, like an aura of magical light. Crafted from the unstable, refined essence of mana crystals, these potions can recharge a magic wielder's spell slot, the level or which is determined by the type of potion. However, due to the recent discovery of mana refining, these potions can be highly unstable, occasionally dealing psychic damage to those who consume it.


When you consume a mana potion, you regain one expended spell slot between 1st and 5th level. You then roll 1d6. If the result is lower than the recovered level you take 3d6 psychic damage.

A common mana potion with a tag imprinted with the symbol of the alchemist who made it.

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List Of Potions 5e

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Creating Potions In 5e

List of potions 5e
Ambrosia Very Rare
Anti-Radiation Pills uncommon
Armor Potion rarity varies
Auril's Kiss common
Bard's Cheat Sheet rare
Berserk Potion uncommon
Berserker's Toxin uncommon
Bloodlust Potion rare
Bottled Lion uncommon
Bottled Misery uncommon
Canned Air uncommon
Clear Potion rare
Cream of Imperviousness rare
DNA Solution uncommon
Dancing Juice uncommon
Demondrug rare
Dragon Scale Essence Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare
Dragonblood Brew Legendary
Draught of Toad uncommon
Elixir of Assurance uncommon
Elixir of Power unique
Elixir of Skeletonization very rare
Elixir of Zombification very rare
Empowering Drink Rare
Estus Common (1 use), Uncommon (2 uses), Rare (3 uses)
Everfrost Ale uncommon
Felix Felicis Very Rare
Fingerprint Copier uncommon
Flask of the Titans rare
Goodberry Potion common
Hangover Cure common
Hawkeye Kohl uncommon
Instant Comfort common
Knight Tatru's Ointment rare
Ladnar's Potion Uncommon
Lead Elixir uncommon
Magnifying Glass Polishing Solution, Improved rare
Magnifying Glass Polishing Solution uncommon
Mana Potion, Variant Varies
Mana Potion Rare
Mar's Might Legendary
Moon Juice uncommon
Mutation Bottle Rare
Naphtha rare
Noggenfogger Elixir uncommon
Oil of Amorphousness uncommon
Oil of Anger uncommon
Permanent Potion of Animal Friendship Very Rare
Permanent Potion of Clairvoyance Legendary
Permanent Potion of Climbing Rare
Permanent Potion of Diminution Legendary
Permanent Potion of Fire Breath Very Rare
Permanent Potion of Flying Unique
Permanent Potion of Gaseous Form Legendary
Permanent Potion of Giant Strength Varies
Permanent Potion of Growth Very Rare
Permanent Potion of Health Varies
Permanent Potion of Heroism Legendary
Permanent Potion of Invisibility Unique
Permanent Potion of Invulnerability Legendary
Permanent Potion of Longevity Unique
Permanent Potion of Mind Reading Legendary
Permanent Potion of Nimbleness varies
Permanent Potion of Poison Very Rare
Permanent Potion of Resistance Very Rare
Permanent Potion of Speed Unique
Permanent Potion of Style Very Rare - Unique
Permanent Potion of Vitality Unique
Permanent Potion of Water Breathing Very Rare
Phial of exanimis uncommon
Placebo Enhancer common
Poe Soul common
Potion of (temporary) Godly Power Uncommon-Legendary
Potion of Artistic Form Rare
Potion of Chaos rare
Potion of Crippling Frost Very Rare
Potion of Darkvision uncommon
Potion of Deceiving Varies
Potion of Divination rare
Potion of Euphoria very rare
Potion of Freezing rare
Potion of Goose uncommon
Potion of Life rare
Potion of Light uncommon
Potion of Lycanthropy Immunization uncommon
Potion of Magic common, uncommon, or rare
Potion of Magic Restoration Rare
Potion of Message Deliverance uncommon
Potion of Minor Shielding uncommon
Potion of Perfectness rarity varies
Potion of Plant Growth rare
Potion of Potions rare
Potion of Rage very rare
Potion of Rapid Combat rare
Potion of Rejuvenation rarity varies
Potion of Sleep uncommon
Potion of Solace common
Potion of Sudden Translocation very rare
Potion of Survival rare
Potion of Synchrilicy rare
Potion of Temporary Immortality legendary
Potion of Unknown Effect Legendary
Potion of Vulnerability, Variant rare
Potion of Wild Speech rare
Potion of the Nineteen Realms rare
Potion of the Sleepless Mind common
Psychoserum very rare
Rest in a Bottle uncommon
Revitalisation Potion rarity varies
Revival Potion legendary
Scarlet Bovine common
Spell Weaver Brew Legendary
Sticky Bomb uncommon
Tonic Uncommon
Vial of Moon's Essence uncommon
Vorcka rare

April Fools Potions

Chocolate Rain common
Permanent Potion of Yeeting Rare
Potion of Guilt Rare
Potion of Potions Potion legendarily dumb
Potion of Potions Potion Potion legendarily dumb
Potion of Speeeeeeeeeed Legendarily Hilarious

Incomplete Potions

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