Orrn Seem Too Tanky And Still Does Too Much Dmg

levelling is still extremely easy, i didnt rly notice the difficulty bump at all tbh. thats sort of fine, but i think some people are going overboard with how hard and hp spungy they think it is.
metamorphs in maps are fairly bullshit tho. im playing a build with what i would consider suspect defenses, its a mom caster. i have combined hp of 5,530 at lvl73 and I just got 1 shot from a metamorph in a tier 1 map...
the monster had 3 white components in it, it wasnt some maxed out thing. It did that thing the corpses of the oriath zombies do when they die, the mortar thing, it cast like 20 of them at once, as soon as i heard it casting i flame dashed from my location and kept moving, yet for some reason they tracked me rather than targeting my original position like theyre supposed to and I think maybe 2 of them hit me despite me being on the move.
now this char is a fragile char in the big scheme of things, but im running a white tier 1 map with 3 of the 5 components of the boss being white and its gonna 1 shot me with 5,500 life at lvl73?
what is wrong with you lot and balance? this whole 1 shot bullshit is stupid man, can you lot please just get your act together and actually make a game with proper gameplay thats playable? its a mortar attack that should be casting at your location when its cast, if i do a max range flame dash and then keep moving after the cast how the fk am I getting 1 shot by it? how am i supposed to avoid that?
so stupid, such an absolutely bullshit mechanic, theyre so ridiculously overtuned in maps. levelling was a cakewalk, it was a total joke, and maps at this level are a total joke, and then the league content just 1 shots me.
garbage game balance. this character i knew would be squishy in endgame because mom is a bad main defense, but ive got better defenses right now than ud expect the average player just putting a white tier 1 map to have. If this was in a rare tier 10 map then yes, I would fully expect the damage to be this high and i would be complaining at all.
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2019, 5:49:51 PM
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 9:31:27 AM
To me its the opposite. Most of my deaths are directly caused by the maps, like a bunch of the chaos shooters or titty bitches with 2 additional projectiles or the sepulcher boss with its unavoidable area covering attack or a random syndicate encounter. The beauty of metamorphs is that you decide what they are like, you decide where you fight and there is always a window where you can get yourself to a favorable position.
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 9:33:49 AM
there was no avoiding it, it was a beach map, it fires mortars in the air, i move over a screen away from where i was when the mortars fire and they land on me.
its the first time ive died. ive got 20% of phys taken as fire, a granite of iron skin, a basalt and 5.5k hp in a white tier 1 map and i got 1 shot. there was no window, no avoiding it at all, i cant see where they are gonna land, the fucking boss wasnt even on my screen at the point where i died, theres just a ton of black shit in the air and suddenly im dead, i cant tell where its gonna land, i can only presume like every other mortar attack, like the mortar attack its based on, that it had targeted my position at the point it fired.
you should be able to play white tier 1 maps with 3k hp and not get 1 shot, thats what most people will have when they get to tier 1 maps. 3 of the 5 bits of my petamorph were white pieces, i didnt stack a unique with 4 rare bits.
this games balance is a joke, if i cant even run white tier 1 maps with those defenses whats the point of even playing. same old story with ggg, oh everyones saying the game is a joke its too easy, so lets leave the game a joke and then 1 shot them randomly, thats what theyre asking for.
no. no that is not what ppl were asking for, they were asking for a balanced, challenging game. i think im banging my head against a brick wall tbh, they obviously have no grasp on what actual gameplay and balance are, they have been completely unable to apply it for years i dunno why im expecting it now.
ill give it another day and then im probably gonna go play a proper game made by people who know how to make games, we will see if they can actually work out wtf theyre doing in 4.0.
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 10:00:04 AM
there was no avoiding it, it was a beach map, it fires mortars in the air, i move over a screen away from where i was when the mortars fire and they land on me.

That sounds like a desync issue to me, in short.. the server thought you stood still and tried to facetank everything.
If thats the case, then yeah eating 20+ mortars should kill you esp if they crit.
Is the metamorphs deadly? oh yeah! esp if you tweak up the difficulty.
But thats fine since it's the whole point of this league.
Desyncs and other server issues are seriously problematic for that encounter though since we are pushing what our chars can do and a smallish server stutter can mean death.
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 10:16:23 AM
im on lockstep and the mortars on my screen landed in a strip following me, they were tracking me as i moved. its not desync, its just awful game design.
I can stand in the face of any map boss at this level and just stand still until theyre dead without even popping my defense flasks, i can stand in a pack of blue mobs at this level and just let them hit me. this level of maps is such a pathetic joke that theres no gameplay, i dont have to avoid anything, i dont have to do anything, i can 1 shot any pack of monsters with a single fire trap and i dont have to care about the damage coming back from anything. pushing what my character can do? without metamorphs there i wouldnt even encounter actual basic gameplay until rare yellow maps even in my current setup.
and then the metamorph just 1 shots me in an essentially unavoidable burst of damage in a white tier 1 map.
this is not how proper games are balanced, there is absolutely no excuse for this being in the game. its not fine, its garbage game balance that should never have been released in this state to the public.
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 10:35:13 AM
im on lockstep and the mortars on my screen landed in a strip following me, they were tracking me as i moved. its not desync, its just awful game design.
I can stand in the face of any map boss at this level and just stand still until theyre dead without even popping my defense flasks, i can stand in a pack of blue mobs at this level and just let them hit me. this level of maps is such a pathetic joke that theres no gameplay, i dont have to avoid anything, i dont have to do anything, i can 1 shot any pack of monsters with a single fire trap and i dont have to care about the damage coming back from anything. pushing what my character can do? without metamorphs there i wouldnt even encounter actual basic gameplay until rare yellow maps even in my current setup.
and then the metamorph just 1 shots me in an essentially unavoidable burst of damage in a white tier 1 map.
this is not how proper games are balanced, there is absolutely no excuse for this being in the game. its not fine, its garbage game balance that should never have been released in this state to the public.

oh you got the homing black bubble moving on a black ground:) isnt it fun :) (Honestly I have no idea how I managed to avoid those at some point lmao)
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 11:58:42 AM
My biggest gripe about metamorph are:
-life regen, I mean I have no problem with life leech because its my duty to avoid damage but life regen oh god.
-their ground teleporting, its really hard to see anything with the visual let alone a fucking small brown mound moving around super fast make it really hard to track the metemorph around.
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 2:06:17 PM
The campaign feels fine so far, if you're asking my 2h viper strike ranger on junky gear, enemies do damage again and don't keel over at a glance. It's probably still too easy if you're playing something a bit more... frontloaded, but I suppose newcomers should be able to finish the main story too without much trouble so it's probably ok in the grand scale of things.
Есть один путь - наверх!
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 4:05:39 PM
I did not feel the difficulty bump during leveling. On first char i played fairly simple build, focusing heavily on damage - fire trap.
Going very early all required gear (Pyre + Artifice rings to max out dmg early) and every boss, including all metamorfs became very easy.
For faster mapping i started new char - wander(currently at 91) and starting to push red maps. Bosses have more life for sure but it is not that noticeable. It's like having 5s fight instead of 2 second fight. For metamorfs however, the mods can wary. High regen metamorfs are a nightmare for my wander. But very easy for the original fire trapper. But the dmg does not seem overtuned much, but there are some effect where i do not see any telegraph that do oneshot. SEems like standard clusterfuck as it was with Syndicate. Lots of heavy glorious effects doing nothing and all of a sudden without any notification, dead.
None of my chars are tanky tho. I do not quality even to 1 mathil of life. Focusing on dmg seems like safer solution - kill before get killed.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.
ING: Marxone
Ty for scam <3
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 4:41:59 PM
ya i played fire trap, just basic levelling skill build, nothing fancy, no racing dps blast chain frost bomb whatevers, old school basics fire trap flame totem levelling just to gauge where the game was at. i got to act 10 on the first day and came back to finish off the bosses the next day, i killed lvl67 kitava and did the lvl68 lab at lvl66 with 0 total deaths, everything was easy, i cant recall any close calls, killed all the metamorphs i spawned along the way.
im not a good player but ive got 15k hours under my belt, im a journeyman player, the game being easy to level through is probably fine, i was fairly happy with how the game played.
my friend im playing with has about 3k life, shes dying to every other metamorph we spawn in maps. shes got the kind of build u can expect, at best, any average or new player to enter maps with. in white t1 maps every other metamorph is hitting me with something that does about 4k damage and it virtually impossible to avoid given how much of a clusterfuck the fights are with stuff everywhere and exploding bullshit adds, black ground effects staked with black aoe novas with black tiny adds that explode in black 1 shot bangs while black projectile mortars track you and 1 shot you...
i dont understand what the point in playing is? my character is far too tanky and does far too much damage for tier 1-4 maps, even if i roll them rare. i could just stop playing at any point and drink a cup of tea, leave my character in the middle of battle and it would survive just standing there. its not even a game, theres no chance anything can kill me and i can kill anything with 1 click, its absolutely pathetic in terms of difficulty. and then the league content 1 shots me when i spawn it at the end of the map...?
honestly, what is this supposed to be? how can content that instantly kills me spawn from content that feels like im 20 levels overlevelled for it? the balance is so bad, did they test this at all? my friend is dying in every other map, im coming very close to dying in every other map and yet the map content in terms of mobs and the regular boss feels at least 10 map levels below where my characer should be playing to even have reasonable gameplay. So do i push up 10 levels of maps? the disconnect between the difficulty of the maps and the metamorphs is so vast that theres no happy medium, the maps say i need to be playing 10 tiers higher and the metamorphs say im at least 10 levels away from being able to start mapping. so what do i do? as a player with 15,000 hours experience im asking what should i be doing here? so wtf does a player with 500 hours do when faced with what im experiencing? what does a player who just started the game a week ago think if they were experiencing this?
ggg cannot afford to be this shit at balancing their game, im sorry but they need told, fix your game, do not release content in this state to the public, ever. absolute disgrace. if im sitting here thinking u know what, this is so bullshit i think im just gonna go playing diablo 3 instead, then what does someone whos come from d3 and is trying this game out for the first time think?
they literally need to cut their damage in half, thats how far out of balance they are, and that is fking ridiculous. this is like first guess at damage balance level of tuning. you guess the damage settings, test it out for 2 minutes, realise its completely fucked and change it, thts where this content currently is. how is this released in this state? how is this a week into the league and still in the sort of balance state that shouldnt have survived 2 minutes of internal testing? load up white tier 1 map, load in a build that should be expected in a white tier 1 map, oh it got 1 shot. icnrease the build to a build that can handle rare t10 maps, oh its still getting bullshit 1 shot, oh we majorly fucked up the balance. there you go, basic testing of your content that should have been done right away and fixed a week before you even released it, were now a week post release...
Posted by
on Dec 20, 2019, 8:41:14 PM
Orrn seem too tanky and still does too much dmg lyrics

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Orrn Seem Too Tanky And Still Does Too Much Dmg 2

Feb 08, 2020 Though it is a common mistake, the words 'to' and 'too' are very easy to differentiate. Once you know how to tell, you can teach others how to get it right too! Focus on 'too' first. 'Too' is used less frequently than 'to,' so if you know what 'too' means, then you can use it just for those specific. Feb 20, 2011  Building slightly tanky makes a tank's damage go down a lot. They're building survivability, not damage. They only seem like they're hitting you hard because you have no health, armor or mr. With a little tankiness, some lifesteal, and kiting, you should be able to handle most tanks without too much trouble if you're alone.

Orrn Seem Too Tanky And Still Does Too Much Dmg Mean

Hey guys..
This is not a whine post, its just something I dont understand, and I would like to have someone explain it to me..
Let me give you an example, last game I played against a volibear, full tank, no dps items.. He is close to unkillable, so 'dont focus him' you say.. But now he will stand in the entire team wrecking you with AOE lightning. I was playing AP mid, and at one point he found me in jungle, I stunned him, he ran to me, flinged me and killed me in about 2 seconds.. Yes I am fully aware that I am squishy as an AP, and yes I am fully aware that stunning him before he uses Q was stupid. ¨But it just doesnt seem fair that he can do that much dmg while being almost unkillable..
This was just an example, there are many other tankchamps in the game I dont understand.. If someone could explain it to me, and tell me how you can possibly deal with it, it would be great..
in my opinion, going full tank should mean insanely low dmg output, but your strength is your survivability.. But atm it just seems like your survival is your strength, while having ad carry dps
Again, this is not a whinepost, its just to get enlightenment on something I dont understand, so please enlighten me

  • They simply do too much damage. The only exception are support tanks like Braum, Leona and to an extent Alistar (but even full AP Alistar can still 100-0 squishy targets). That's because they've been designed in a way that makes them incredibly hard to kill but they can't do a lot of damage by themselves.
  • Sep 26, 2019  This last update was too painful. Too much RNG, not enough fun, too much dmg, not enough health regen, too many tanky new units. I've got a lot stuff unlocked and its really hurting right now on anything above Drizzle. Monsoon is not even fun to play. Biggest things that need changes: Poison guys: SRS nerfs to their ground spikes damage.

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