League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers


  1. League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers Online
  • Mar 02, 2013  Who are bruisers? What inexpensive good bruisers I can buy? Btw volibear is sure worth to invest in.so is kha zix: kha ix is more of a deadly assassin, volibear is a bad ass tank who can deal lots of insane dmg without any ad items. They focus a bit more on damage, but still are tanky (especially Singed and Cho).
  • Champions like Hecarim can build one damage item into tank and still nearly 100-0 an enemy ADC while requiring multiple people to deal with him. Edit: Since the line between Bruisers and Tanks can be debatable, we can just limit it to tanky champions in general.

Never thought 'bruiser' was pure AD damage, always thought of the term bruiser as more a synonym for 'Fighter' were it's mostly the class of champions that are stuck halfway between being tanks or assassins/melee carries - generally with the propensity to deal mixed, hard-to-counter damage that allows them to deal meaningful damage against defensive items that otherwise have a greater impact against mages, carries, and assassins focused on a specific type of damage without offering them the same damage scaling potential of actual carries, mages, and assassins by having that mixed, hard-to-counter damage being harder to itemize for, or by riding off of higher base values and lower scaling. Ultimatly making a mix of offense and defense the best itemization path. Some do have good scaling and more singular damage type, but those still tend to relly on going into the frey and generally brawling with others through there play-style, being able to potentially initiate, off-tank, peel, and otherwise deal some solid DPS while taking some focus in return. And with a common propensity to deal mixed damage - most bruisers aren't purely in the AD camp.
With that - Kha'Zix is really to much of an assassin to even count as a fighter or a bruiser. His amazing defensive mechanisms don't scale with defenses at all and let him build glass-cannon, all his major damage scales with the AD Caster route of tons of AD and armor penetration, he has amazingly safe poke that further allows him to build glass cannon, his heavy reliance on burst allows him to build glass cannon - jump in, burst, and jump out - and whatever defensive items he does tend to grab fall more along the lines of an ADC getting their single defensive item than Kha'Zix being someone that actually plans on being an off-tank, initiator, peeler, or just flat out brawler in the middle of a team fight.
The 3 fighters I'm currently most fond of are Vi, Riven, and Mordekaiser.

I find this concept to be something that simply has no point existing in a game like League of Legends.
In a game like this, where there're roles so determined and are not going to switch in a long time, I just find no place for it.
The design itself, from an overall point, is crappy.
We have damage dealers, they're squishy and deal high damage.
We have tanks, they're HP and resistance meats with the ability to peel the enemy off the team damage dealers.
Then somebody had the smart idea of creating a bruiser.
'Hey, let's create a character that has both damage and can tank damage. Sure, it won't be able to do as much damage as a damage dealer and won't be able to tank as much damage as a tank, but lets give them some mobility and some CC, and they should be fine. But hey, some of them might seem to weak, lets give them some max % HP damage'.
Tadam! There you go, you created the abomination, specially if we consider stuff like some bruisers having scalings stronger than some assassins, and this is where you're just mentally blown. WHY the hell am I dealing LESS damage as a character that is dedicated to it than a character that is a mix? (Riven vs Akali, f.e.)
At this point I'm considering stuff like Nasus just was created as some sort of experiment and Riot couldn't just remove the champion, but just deal with it.
Sure, stop a Nasus early from farming. Every season turrets gets buffed more and more, and there're more and more support items going off, making farming earlier more and more easily. The moment you give a death to a Nasus you already know the game is more likely done.
And god, then it comes, the min 25 Nasus that farmed his Q. I'm sorry, the ability to get damage from just farming without items, is just beyond dumbness. A meat shield with 300 AR and 3k HP, while dealing more damage in 1 hit than you ADC in 4.
There's just no point in that, if you ask me, in any way. You choose one role, not 2. By simply logic that's overpowered as hell.
What are your opinions about bruisers?

League tanks deal more dmg then bruisers onlineLeague Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers

League Tanks Deal More Dmg Then Bruisers Online

We have damage dealers, they're squishy and deal high damage. We have tanks, they're HP and resistance meats with the ability to peel the enemy off the team damage dealers. Then somebody had the smart idea of creating a bruiser. 'Hey, let's create a character that has both damage and can tank damage. League of Legends Game Guide - bBruisers/b Alright, I didn't bother splitting the AP Tanks from the Bruisers since they all go to the bruiser lane anyways. These guys are incredibly bulky and their fights to.

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