Dmg Build On Ele Sin

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Dmg build on lee sin online

Safeguard: Lee Sin rushes to target ally, shielding himself from damage. If the ally is a champion, they are also shielded. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds. Iron Will: Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 4 seconds, Lee Sin gains Life Steal and Spell Vamp. Mar 19, 2014  Tank vs Damage Lee Sin in the Jungle? Otherwise, just build a splash of damage for Lee's insane early game and then enough tank stats to survive in the front line. All of this is situational to how the game progresses and your team's needs though, so. Apr 04, 2018  Gripex shows the proper ways to play the full attack damage Lee Sin Check out betway for eSports, sports betting and much more: Hi all, i have done some quick test on a potential venom build. Venom attack base on int and dex ( correct me if im wrong ) would need a max int dex crt build. Using venom fist, wich is ur second dmg skill, double venom dmg every cast.

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Lee Sin Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Lee Sin.Created and rated by players, find the best Lee Sin guides that will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Lee Sin, and of course, win the game! This allows you to take less dmg and heal as you kite. Ele is about widdling down your target while you stay alive. Drain them of their CDs off and def. Then use your utility. Then pick a spot to create space to use SK+IF to create pressure or get the kill. You dont need the best offensive traits to win as ele. 'Is that a full damage Vi?' Vi build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Vi Strategy Builds and Tools.

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