What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers

In my opinion, the best choice is Gravitational Anchor 5-slot. The damage of Carrion Creepers is quite mediocre, and given the very long cooldown of the power, if you're going to devote slots to it at all, I'd focus on getting the most bang for buck in terms of set bonuses. May 23, 2014  I dont have any plugins that could visibly be the issue, other than factions, however I have configured this to allow for all possible situations that may be blocking creepers. Just to note, TNT works fine. EDIT: just to say, setting gamerule mobGriefing to true yields a tiny explosion that does no damage.

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(krē′pər) n.
2. Botany A plant that spreads by means of stems that creep.
4. A grappling device for dragging bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers.
6. creepers A metal frame with a spike or spikes, attached to a shoe or boot to prevent slipping, especially on ice.
7. Slang A person who is a creep, especially one who is considered to be unsettling.


(ˈkriːpə) n
2. (Botany) a plant, such as the ivy or periwinkle, that grows by creeping
3. (Animals) Also called: tree creeperUSandCanadian any small songbird of the family Certhiidae of the N hemisphere, having a brown-and-white plumage and slender downward-curving bill. They creep up trees to feed on insects
4. (Mechanical Engineering) a hooked instrument for dragging deep water
5. (Automotive Engineering) Also called: cradle a flat board or framework mounted on casters, used to lie on when working under cars
6. (Cricket) cricket Also called: daisy cutter a bowled ball that keeps low or travels along the ground
7. (Furniture) either of a pair of low iron supports for logs in a hearth
8. (Clothing & Fashion) informal a shoe with a soft sole


(ˈkri pər) What does extra dmg to creepers work
2. a plant that grows upon or just beneath the surface of the ground, sending out rootlets from the stem, as ivy.
3. a spiked iron plate worn on the shoe to prevent slipping on ice, rock, etc.
4. any of various songbirds that ascend the trunks and larger limbs of trees.
5. a grappling device for dragging a body of water.
Noun1.creeper - any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping
tracheophyte, vascular plant - green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
2.creeper - a person who crawls or creeps along the ground
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; 'there was too much for one person to do'
3.creeper - any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
oscine, oscine bird - passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus
American creeper, brown creeper, Certhia americana - a common creeper in North America with a down-curved bill
Certhia familiaris, European creeper - common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with down-curved bill
Tichodroma muriaria, tichodrome, wall creeper - crimson-and-grey songbird that inhabits town walls and mountain cliffs of southern Eurasia and northern Africa


nounclimbing plant, runner, vine(chiefly U.S.), climber, rambler, trailing plantflaming curtains of Virginia creeper
popínavá rostlina
tırmanıcı bitki


2.creepers (US) (= rompers) (for baby) → pelelem


(= plant, along ground) → Kriechpflanzef; (upwards) → Kletterpflanzef
creeperspl (US) Schuhe mit dicken Gummisohlen, → Leisetreterpl (inf)



What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers Make

) nounExtra
(slang) a disgusting person. Leave her alone, you creep. buffel شَخْص مُقْرِف изрод pessoa desagradável hnusák Depp ækel fyr; lort; skiderik παλιάνθρωποςcanalla, despreciable, asqueroso jobu آدم تنفر انگیز hyypiö טִיפוּס מַגעִיל सर्पण ljigavac ellenszenves ember,„szemétláda{”} orang yang menjijikkan いやなやつ 싫은 녀석 bjaurybė glumiķis sipengampu engerdkryp, eklingświnia, gnojek تنفر انګیزه کس подонок hnusoba ostudnež, gnusoba čudak äckel[potta] บุคคลที่น่ารังเกียจ dalkavuk, yağcı (俚)令人不齒的傢伙 гидота مكروه انسان người luồn lọt (俚)讨厌的家伙
ˈcreeper noun
a creeping plant. rank plant نَبات مُتَسَلِّـق пълзящо растение trepadeira popínavá rostlina die Kletterpflanze slyngplante αναρριχητικό φυτό planta trepadora ronitaim خزنده köynnöskasvi plante grimpante צֶמָח מְטַפֵּס लता, वर्तिका puzavica kúszónövény tanaman rambat skriðjurt pianta rampicante つる植物 덩굴 식물 vijoklis vīteņaugs; staipeknis pohon menjalar klimplantslyngplante, kryp- pnącze خزنده trepadeira plantă agăţă­­toare ползучее растение popínavá rastlina plazilka biljka puzavica klängväxt ไม้เลื้อย tırmanıcı bitki 蔓生植物 повзуча рослина بيل cây leo 葡匐植物
ˈcreepy adjective
causing feelings of fear etc. The house is rather creepy at night. kriewelrig مُقْشَعِر، مُخيف зловещ assustador strašidelný gruselig uhyggelig ανατριχιαστικόςhorripilante, escalofriante, que pone la piel de gallina õudne, jube چندش آور karmiva qui donne la chair de poule מפחיד लोमहर्षी strašan hátborzongató menakutkan hrollvekjandi, óhugnanlegur raccapricciante ぞっとする 섬뜩한 baugus, šiurpus, keliantis baimę, šiurpulį šaušalīgs; tirpas uzdzenošs menakutkan griezelignifs, uhyggelig, skrekk-przerażający ویروونکی assustador care dă fiori наводящий жуть strašidelný strašljiv jeziv kuslig, ruskig, hemsk น่ากลัว tüyler ürpertici, korkunç 令人毛骨悚然的 моторошний خوفزده كرنيوالا rùng mình 令人毛骨悚然的
ˈcreepily adverb
kriewelrigheid بصورة مُقَشْعِره страховито assustadoramente strašidelně gruselig uhyggeligt ανατριχιαστικά horripilantemente, escalofriantemente õudselt, jubedalt بطور چندش آور karmivasti à donner la chair de poule בְּצוּרָה מַפחִידָה लोमहर्षित ढंग से strašno hátborzongatóan menakutkan með hrollvekjandi hætti in maniera raccapricciante ぞっとして 섬뜩하게 жутко šaušalīgi keadaan menyeramkan griezelignifst, uhyggelig w sposób wywołujący przerażenie د ویری په ډول assustadoramente înfiorător жутко hrôzyplne strašljivo jezivo kusligt, ruskigt อย่างน่ากลัว tüyler ürpertici bir şekilde 令人毛骨悚然地 моторошно آهست‍ہ آهست‍ہ چلت‍ے هو‍ۓ một cách rùng mình 令人毛骨悚然地
ˈcreepiness noun
kriewelrigheid شعور القَـشْتعَـريره страховитост susto děsivost das Gruselige uhygge ανατριχίλα horripilancia õudus, jubedus چندش آوری karmivuus caractère effrayant הָטָלַת אֵימָה लोमहर्ष užas borzongás keadaan menakutkan óhugnanlegheit orrore 気味悪さ 섬뜩함 жуть pielīšana keseraman griezeligheid uhyggeokropność له ویری سره susto aspect înfricoşător жуть desivosť strašljivost jezivost kuslighet, ruskighet ความน่ากลัว tüyler ürperticilik 令人毛骨悚然 моторошність; жахливість خوف، رينگن‍ے کی صلاحیت sự rùng mình 令人感到毛骨悚然
ˌcreepy-ˈcrawlyplural ˌcreepy-ˈcrawlies noun
a small creeping insect. grillige gogga حَشَرة زاحِفَـه буболечка animal rastejante drobný hmyz, brouk das Kriechtier kryb; dyr med mange ben; insekt ζωύφιοreptil, bicho reptador sitikad ja satikad حشرۀ موذی چندش آور ötökkä bestioleחרק रेंगने वाला कीड़ा ljigav csúszómászó serangga skordÿr insettuncolo はう虫 기는 벌레 rėplys, šliuželis rāpojošs kukainis sejenis serangga ongediertesmåkryprobak ویره animal rastejante insectă târâ­toare ползучая тварь drobný hmyz žuželka akrep kryp แมลงที่ไต่ยั้วเยี้ย küçük sürünen bir böcek 爬行昆蟲 гад повзучий ایک چهوٹ‍ا رینگن‍ے والا کی‍ڑا loài côn trùng kinh dị 爬行的昆虫
creep up on
to approach slowly and stealthily. Old age creeps up on us all. bekruip يَزحف، يقْتَرب خِلسَـةَ идва без да я усетим esgueirar-se připlížit se k herannahen sniger sig ind på πλησιάζω αθόρυβα acechar, acercar ligi hiilima آهسته و پنهانی رسیدن lähestyä huomaamatta surprendre מִזדָחֵל אֶל चोरी-छिपे पहुंचना lagano se približavati lassan, de biztosan eljön merangkak læðast að sorprendere しのび寄る 살금살금 몰레 접근하다 atsėlinti, atslinkti piezagties merangkak perlahan-lahan besluipen snike/liste seg innpå skradać się په کراره او پټ رسیدل a se apropia pe nesimţite подкрадываться priplaziť sa priplaziti se prikradati se smyga sig på ย่องเข้ามาหาอย่างช้า ๆ และเงียบ sezdirmeden yaklaşmak 慢慢而偷偷地接近 підкрадатися دب‍ے پاؤں قريب آنا tiến lại gần 慢慢而偷偷地接近
make someone's flesh creep
to scare or horrify someone. maak kriewelrig, laat ys, laat hoendervleis kry يَقْشَعِرُّ له البدَن тръпки ме побиват causar arrepios vyděsit eine Gänsehaut verursachen give myrekryb κάνω κπ. να ανατριχιάσει poner la piel de gallina, poner los pelos de punta hirmutama, surmani ära kohutama مشمئز کردن؛ به چندش آوردن säikäyttää donner la chair de poule לְצַמרֵר डराना prestrašiti libabőrös lesz menakut-nakuti valda e-m hrolli far accapponare la pelle, far venire la pelle d'oca ぞっとさせる (~을) 놀라게 하다 (su)kelti siaubą, šiurpą uzdzīt tirpas/šermuļus menakutkan iemand doen rillen få det til å gå kaldt nedover ryggen på noen przerażać, przyprawiać o gęsią skórkę وارخطا كول causar arrepios a i se face pielea de găină почувствовать мурашки по телу vydesiť prestrašiti (koga) naježiti se skrämma ngn, få ngn att rysa ทำให้ผู้อื่นกลัว insanın tüylerini ürpertmek 嚇唬,令人汗毛直豎 примусити здригнутися سخت خوفزده كردينا، رونگ‍ٹ‍ے كه‍ڑ‍ے كر دينا làm ai khiếp sợ 吓唬,令人汗毛直竖

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Creepers Link to this page:

This Minecraft tutorial explains all about creepers with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Let's learn about creepers in Minecraft.

Supported Platforms

Creepers are available in the following versions of Minecraft:

PlatformSupported (Version*)
Java Edition (PC/Mac)Yes
Pocket Edition (PE)Yes
Xbox 360Yes
Xbox OneYes
Wii UYes
Nintendo SwitchYes
Windows 10 EditionYes
Education EditionYes

* The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.
NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history.


What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers Download

The following is a picture of what a creeper looks like in Minecraft:

Hostility LevelHostile Mob
Health Points20 health points
x 10
Where to FindIn the Overworld in light levels of 7 or less
Attack MethodMoves toward you, ignites its TNT and explodes
Drops 0-2 Gunpowder
Music Disc (if killed by skeleton)
Experience Points5 experience points

Hostility Level (Hostile)

A creeper is a hostile mob. The term mob is short for mobile and is used to refer to all living, moving creatures in the game such as chickens, endermen, and creepers. Because a creeper is a hostile mob, it will attack you in Survival mode but not Creative mode.

Health Points

What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers Make

In Minecraft, a creeper has 10 hearts for health. This gives a creeper 20 health points (because 1 heart = 2 health points). To kill a creeper, you need to inflict 20 points of damage to the creeper.


A creeper uses TNT as a weapon.

Attack Method

When a creeper attacks, it will ignite its TNT fuse, move towards you and then explode. The explosion will destroy nearby blocks. If you are close to the explosion, you will take damage too or even die.

Where to Find Creepers

In Minecraft, you can find creepers in most Overworld biomes in light levels of 7 or less. Creepers will spawn in the dark, usually at night. Once a creeper has spawned in the dark, it can survive in the daylight.

What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers 3

If you do not light your house, a creeper can spawn inside your house. So it is a good idea, to place torches inside your house so that creepers do not spawn there.

If you are having trouble finding a creeper, you can summon a creeper using a cheat or you can use a spawn egg.


When you kill a creeper in Minecraft, it will drop gunpowder.

Make sure you pick up any dropped items before they disappear. They are useful and should be kept in your inventory to be used later.

TIP: If a skeleton kills a creeper, the creeper will drop a music disc.

Experience Points

As you play the game, you will gain experience. The most common way to gain experience is by killing mobs. When a mob is killed you will see tiny green and yellow balls appear and move towards you.

These orbs represent experience points. When you kill a creeper, you will gain 5 experience points.

Charged Creeper

When a creeper is struck by lightning in Minecraft, the creeper is transformed into a charged creeper.

Charged Creeper

Learn how to make a charged creeper in Minecraft.

Spawn Egg for Creeper

You can spawn a creeper using the following spawn egg:

Things to Do with Creepers

Here are some activities that you can do with creepers in Minecraft:

Command Examples

Here are some game command examples for a creeper in Minecraft:

NBT Tags for Creeper

What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers 2

Here are the NBT tags (formerly called data tags) that you can use in game commands for a creeper:

Spawn Events for Creeper

What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers Download

Here are the spawn events that you can use in game commands for a creeper:

What Does Extra Dmg To Creepers 2

Other Mobs

Here are some of the other mobs in Minecraft:

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