League Of Legends Average Dmg For Midlane

S10 Yasuo Midlane Guide. Yasuo build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Yasuo Strategy Builds and Tools. Help Support Our Growing Community. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us. Nov 06, 2019  Veigar Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Veigar.Created and rated by players, find the best Veigar guides that will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Veigar, and of course, win the game!

Jan 11, 2017  For more content around the 2018 League of Legends season, visit our League of Legends hub. Legend: K/D/A - Kill/Death/Assist. KDA Ratio - (Kills + Assist)/Deaths. DMG% - Damage Percentage. DPM - Damage Per Minute. KP - Kill Participation. DTH% - Death Percentage. Oct 05, 2014  the two mid champs i would recommend with easy pick up and win potential are Malzahar-obviously and Lux which i'm stunned nobody mentioned. Lux can be played safely and only go all in once you land a snare. And late game shes just as valuable, even if yo don't hit those game changing snares and shields. The easy damage output from safely behind your front line is always welcomed.

Thresh Damage Mid/Top lane. Thresh build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Thresh Strategy Builds and Tools. League of Legends Statistics including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate, Kills, Deaths by Champions and the roles they play. Champion.gg - League of Legends Stats by Champion Role for the Current Patch x. Nov 06, 2019  Malzahar Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Malzahar.Created and rated by players, find the best Malzahar guides that will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to.

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[S8] Galio MidLane | One Shot and Full AP Build

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Choose Champion Build:

  • One Shot | Full AP
  • Tanky and Protector


Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Sudden Impact
Zombie Ward



Ranked #57 in
Middle Lane
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Ranked #57 in
Middle Lane
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Normally, Galio is a TANKLeague Of Legends Average Dmg For Midlane but with the FULL AP Build you can One Shot a simple ADC. With this Build you going play MIDLANE

League Of Legends Average Dmg For Midlane Golf

for easy snowballing and for have a good team helping. In team fight, go to kill the ADC or MID or SUP because you can one shot or inflige lot of damage. In game you are insane after your first recall or in middle and late game if you have 0 DEATH and multiple kills. This guide have lot of information in Galio an him SKILL.


Every few seconds, Galio's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage in an area. Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced when Galio hits champions with his spells.


Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana
Range: 825
Galio fires two windblasts that converge into a large tornado.

League Of Legends Average Dmg For Midlane Pc

Galio fires two windblasts that deal 50/80/110/140/170 (+80% Ability Power) magic damage.When the windblasts meet, they combine into a giant tornado that deals 30/40.002/50.001/60/70.002 (+{{ charabilitypower2.0*3 }}) plus (+0)% of enemies' maximum Health (max 150 vs. monsters) as magic damage over 1.5 seconds.


Cost: 50 Mana
Range: 275
Galio charges a defensive stance, moving slowly. Upon releasing the charge, Galio will taunt and damage nearby enemies.
Passive: After not taking damage for 12 seconds Galio gains a shield that absorbs 0 magic damage.
First Cast: Galio starts to charge, gaining 20/25/30/35/40 (+0)(+0)% Damage Reduction from Magic Damage and [0]% of that amount as Damage Reduction from Physical Damage. While charging, Galio slows himself by 30%.
Second Cast: Galio taunts nearby enemy champions for 0.5 to 1.5 seconds, deals 0 (+0) to {{ f10 }} (+{{ f11 }}) damage, and refreshes the Damage Reduction for 2 seconds. Taunt duration, damage, and radius increase with charge time.Shield of Durand's charge cannot be interrupted by crowd control.


Cost: 50 Mana
Range: 650
Galio will briefly step back and charge, knocking up the first enemy champion he encounters.
Galio lunges forward with a mighty blow, dealing 100/130/160/190/220 (+90% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies and knocking them into the air for 0.75 seconds. Galio will stop upon hitting a champion or terrain.


Cost: 100 Mana
Range: 4000/4750/5500
Galio grants damage reduction to an ally. After a delay Galio smashes down on the ally's original location, knocking up nearby enemies.
Galio designates an allied champion's current position as his landing spot and grants 20/25/30 (+0)% damage reduction to that ally until he lands. When Galio lands, enemies in the area take 150/250/350 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage and are knocked into the air for 0.75 seconds (1.25 seconds in the center).

Most Important Items

Good Situationals Items

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