Darius Passive Change From Magic Dmg To Physical

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Darius Passive Change From Magic Dmg To Physical

Darius Passive Change From Magic Dmg To Physical Video

Hi i just want to say that this is my first time posting, so im sorry if i have done anything wrong in advanced, and english is my 2nd language so pls :I.
Anyways this is the current Kit Darius Has:
Passive: Hemorrhage
Darius' basic attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 / 33 / 36 (+ 30% bonus AD) magic damage over 5 seconds. This stacks up to 5 times for a maximum of 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180 (+ 150% bonus AD) magic damage over the duration. Darius gains 5% movement speed for each bleeding enemy champion.
Q: Decimate
RANGE: 425 COST: 40 MANA COOLDOWN: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
ACTIVE: Darius swings his axe, dealing physical damage to all enemies within a 425-radius area around him.
SHAFT PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 70% bonus AD)
Champions more than 270 units away from him are hit by his axe's blade, and will take 50% additional damage.
BLADE PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 / 315 (+ 105% bonus AD)
W: Crippling Strike
RANGE: 145 COST: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 MANA COOLDOWN: 8
ACTIVE: Darius' next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and slows the target's movement and attack speed for 2 seconds. Crippling Strike's base cooldown is reduced by 1 second for each stack of Hemorrhage.png Hemorrhage on the target.
BONUS PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100% AD
SLOW: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
E: Apprehend
RANGE: 540 COST: 45 MANA COOLDOWN: 24 / 21 / 18 / 15 / 12
PASSIVE: Darius gains armor penetration.
ARMOR PENETRATION: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%
ACTIVE: After a brief delay, Darius pulls in all enemies in front of him.
R: Noxian Guillotine
RANGE: 460 COST: 100 MANA COOLDOWN: 120 / 100 / 80
ACTIVE: Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a devastating blow, dealing true damage.
For each stack of Hemorrhage.png Hemorrhage on the target, Noxian Guillotine deals an additional 20% damage.
When Noxian Guillotine kills the target, it can be recast within the next 20 seconds. This can occur multiple times in succession.
TRUE DAMAGE: 160 / 250 / 340 (+ 75% bonus AD)
MAX TRUE DAMAGE: 320 / 500 / 680 (+ 150% bonus AD)
Now this is my proposed tweak to Darius. This tweak will focus around his Passive, the bleed stacks. Please do read this tweak till the end as i have a few comments about the changes.
Passive: Hemorrhage
Darius passive now stacks up 10 times from 5. The damage with 5 stacks on live will = 7 stacks in this tweak, but will increase at 8 9 and 10. Maybe double the dmg at 10.
The 5% movespeed bonus per bleeding enemy champion has been removed and instead been put into his base movespeed giving him a MS of 355 from 340. This is both a buff and a nerf since darius can no longer get up to 25% extra movespeed if he has bleed stacks on 5 enemy champions. This is also needed to improve his ability to stick to targets to ramp up his stacks, vs ranged enemies or enemies with high mobility that he would normally not be able to reach with 340 movespeed. I think this is in its right place. Think lee sin 350 ms, Vi 350ms, Trynd 350ms, kha zix 350 ms, jax 350 ms, they all have 1 or more dash/leap with a ms of 350, Darius has no dash or leap with a 340 ms currently on live.
Q: Decimate
This ability will get a slight nerf early game to compensate for the huge 355 movespeed, currently there are only 2 champions with 355 ms (phantheon, master yi). The ability no longer does 50% extra dmg at rank 1 on the blade part it now does.
Rank 1 : 10% extra dmg on the blade part. Cooldown 8 Sec.
Rank 2 : 20% extra dmg on the blade part. Cooldown 7 Sec.
Rank 3 : 30% extra dmg on the blade part. Cooldown 6 Sec.
Rank 4 : 40% extra dmg on the blade part. Cooldown 5 Sec.
Rank 5 : 50% extra dmg on the blade part. Cooldown 4 Sec.
The blade part of the Q now adds 2 bleed stacks and the shaft adds 1. This will reward Darius players to still hit the enemy laner with the blade part. It also adds a higher skill cap to Darius, and it makes it a bit easier for Darius to add stacks quicker if the enemy is running, rewarding the enemy for fighting Darius in melee ranged where the shaft will hit, slowing down Darius's ramp up of his passive.
This will still do the same dmg it does at rank 5 but will gets a 1 sec shorter cd across all ranks. This is to help negate a bit of the lvl 1 to 5 early dmg this currently has on live. This is due to that the ability is too toxic atm and can zone enemies from lvl 1 already, which is too toxic imho. Honestly having a 355 ms while keeping the Q thats on live atm would be too broken. There would be no escaping it. And if the player maxes q first, he would first reach the 50% dmg at lvl 10 or 9 i belive. This scould give the enemy laner more headroom.
W: Crippling Strike
The extra dmg scaling will remain the same, but the ms slow and att speed slow will get changed.
This ability now has a MS 20% slow at all ranks, and a 10% att speed slow at all ranks for 1 sec duration at all ranks.
The MS slow increases by 5% for each bleed stack the target has, a maximum of 70%.
The att speed slow also increases for 5% for each bleed stack the target has, a maximum of 60%.
The Duration also increases by 0.5 seconds for each bleed stack the target has, a maximum of 6 seconds.
The cooldown of this ability is reduced by 0.5 seconds for each bleed stack the target has.
Same as the Q, this ability will now add 2 stacks of bleed if the target enemy has their BACK TURNED AGAINST YOU, (think tryndamere W). It will only add 1 stack if the enemy is facing you, again rewards the enemy to fight him slowing down the ramp up of his passive, makes it a bit easier to add stacks to feeling targets, and also adds a small window where you can turn around to dodge the 1 extra stack (think tryndamere w again where you turn to face him quickly to dodge his slow) I got this mechanic from 'Dont turn your back, or expose your neck!' if you get it :I
E: Apprehend
The armor pen has been nerfed in order to give it a shorter cd at all ranks, and a new passive!
Rank 1: 0% pen
Rank 2: 5% pen
Rank 3: 10% pen
Rank 4: 15% pen
Rank 5: 20% pen
The cd of this ability is now 18/16/14/12/10.
New passive ! : When Darius excecutes an enemy with his ult, the amount of bleed stacks the target had removes 1 sec of this ability cooldown.
so lets say the E is rank 1 and the target had 10 stacks at the time of the execute, the cooldown would no longer be 18 on his E but 8 instead, this will give Darius a better late game if he reaches those 10 stacks on a lets say tank, and he had just used the E to help protect the adc or apc, the E would now be up for use again if its rank 5 or close to getting up again giving him the ability to continue his hunt ! 0 stacks = 0 cd refresh, 5 stacks = 5 sec cd refresh.
R: Noxian Guillotine
THE DUNK! The ult now resets ! why ? let me explain !.
Darius now has 10 stacks instead of 5, on live gets 20% bonus dmg on his ult for each stack, at 5 that would be 100%. BUT he now has 10 stacks which means that he rampup has been cut in HALF!, and lets be honest getting 10 stacks on someone and them not dashing, leaping flash or getting a lanthern exit is not a rare thing. There is also cc to get Darius off the target, i think that the reset is in its right place. Darius now gets a 10% dmg bonus for each bleed stack, this will be a liniar growth from 1 to 9 stacks, if Darius scould Reach the 10 stacks that would be insane, as 10 stacks would not be easy to aquire his ult scould litteraly RIP THE TARGET APART, as the tumbnail on his ult suggest. so this is the dmg it does.
From stack 1 to 9 :
Rank 1 : 160 -> 304
Rank 2 : 250 -> 475
rank 3 : 340 -> 646
Stack 10:
Rank 1 : 320
Rank 2 : 500
rank 3 : 680
At the 10 stack the last 10% bonus dmg will put the dmg to the same thing as live, however there is a huge fat bonus :
At the 10 stack the dmg is doubled from the live numbers :
10 stack : 320 The double is 640 true dmg at the 10 stack.
10 stack : 500 The double is 1000 true dmg at the 10 stack.
10 stack : 680 The double is 1360 true dmg at the 10 stack.
The ult still does true dmg regardless of how many stacks you have on the target.
The ult will still keep the AD scaling as 10 stacks is something Darius is not gonna reach in every fight.
For this tweak to work, he will also need buffs to his base stats in form of tankiness as this requires Darius to stay in combat for an extended period of time, in current live he has no form of sustain or tankiness making the base stat buff a must, or something that gives him the tankiness that he needs for this Kit tweak to work.
Now i do know that alot is prob gonna hate on the ultimate, but ive said this 100 times, please understand, reaching 10 stacks is something Darius wont reach every single times he fights, reaching 5 stacks already is hard in live, maybe not 1v1, but in teamfights where darius lacks alot, it will be hard as there will be other champions peeling for the target Darius is after, not to mention the Dash and leaps thats in meta as of this moment and the huge amount of cc in every single team. Darius has weaknesses yes, the counterplay would be to get off Darius long enough for the stacks to run off, or escape or getting help from teammates peeling him off of you.
Now i have prob forgotten something, but i would more then be happy to listen to any feedback you guys might have, is it a bad idea, ? wrong path to take ? good path ? okay path, needs some changes here and there ? let me know, this is the first time ive done this !

Darius Passive Change From Magic Dmg To Physical Card

Oct 20, 2015 This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. With the upcoming changes to Darius, the one that I find most interesting is changing his passive DoT from Magic to Physical damage. Hemorrhage (P): Darius now enters Bloodrage for 5 seconds whenever an enemy champion reaches max Hemorrhage or dies to Noxian Guillotine. Jun 28, 2012  The colour of the damage and also you can check the death recap. Sometimes it bugs, like revive giving 400 true damage, but mostly it shows the correct damage. If it's mixed, it's affected somekind passive, like Teemo's poison, basic attack deals physical and poison deals magic, or Kog Maw's Bio arcane barrage. Sep 25, 2016  As a guardian druid I'd appreciate a little bar addon that showed incoming magic vs physical damage in the last X seconds, as an aid for learning which encounters need more magic AM vs physical AM. Is there anything out there like this?

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