1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit

Oct 19, 2019  Basically I got the “Inventors Focal Sword” that has 1% CRIT which I am using with “Celestial Orb” which has +13 spell dmg and mana regen. However I also recently got a staff from ZF that has +22 spell dmg and 10 int/stam and was wondering what the best option is? The other dilemma is that I have gre. Crit vs spell power vs int. May 27, 2016  100% Crit 1000 dmg vs turrets BUILD by StickDestroyer. 100% Crit 1000 dmg vs turrets BUILD. By: StickDestroyer Last. You deal crit. So all you are doing is getting a lot of crit. This build specifically gives you not just full crit but 100% crit and LOTS OF ATK SP. You go super fast in dishing damage. This build of on Glaive causes him to. Aug 27, 2015 Simple comparison between 5% increased crit dmg or 5% increased magic dmg. Average spell crit for light armor build with inner light is about 42%. Lets say an attack normally does 8k magic dmg, normal crit dmg would be 8k x 1,50 = 12k. With 42% spell crit the average dmg would be 8k x (1 + 0,42 x 0,50) = 9,680 dmg. With 5% increased crit dmg.

Feb 10, 2015  I talk about what is better for the cold build for the Demon Hunter. Is it better to have elite damage or high crit damage. Skip navigation. Elite dmg Vs Crit dmg 2 1 2 First Atom.

Alright, This is one thing I have a problem with the most. Its not the fact that Its 'Attack Damage Carry' And 90% of the ADC's are built with like, 1 damage item and the rest are Attack speed, But because There are some people who will build NOTHING but attack speed. Now, for some champs this is an ALRIGHT thing, but for most, not really. Anyways, i'll get on with the Assessment. Attack damage: This is the supposably Most important about ADC's, and is considered the 'Bread and butter'. This is best chosen against: **VS Speedy people:** This is the best example. If I hit someone with lets say 500 MS, I want that one attack to make an impact. The more AD, The harder it hits, and if they don't have much armor, It wont need last that long. **VS Tanky people: **This is where Attack Damage is the most needed. For an example, Champions like Jinx (Yes, I know, she is an ASC champ, but just listen) Would normally build AS, what this will do is essentially get you more hits off, but wont do as much damage. This affects tanks because if I hit a champ with a high armor with someone with 100 AD, i'll do only a % of that to him. and usually, it adds up.. But if I have a 'Glass Cannon' build, like 500 AD (is that even buildable?), I'll do essentially 5x that damage in only ONE hit, and still have the ability to build Armor Pen. Attack Speed: This is the Second most important stat of an 'ADC', and can be used for A LOT of situations. This works good against: **VS 'Glass Cannon' People:** Now, some players ask: (Whats glass cannon?). This actually is a common build for Mages, and basically, think of doing 10000 damage in one strike, but being un able to move or last that long in battles. I mean, complete 1 shot and out style. Anyways, this works best against glass cannons as they usually don't build a lot of armor, and because of that, you can use More attacks to quickly gib them down to 1 hp. and at that point, well, either you'll kill them, or they're getting ganked. **VS Towers:** Believe it or not, ADC's are one of the best champ types to take towers down, and its not because they can do lots of damage, but because they can dish it out at a range, meaning less time from getting from out of range to in range. and for champs like Cait or Tryst, Range is NOT a problem Crit Chance: This is the most OP stat any AA Champ can build. Being able to double, or even more than double with IE, This works most effective against: **VS Other ADCs:** Now, trust me, This will give you a higher advantage, Especially if you are at a more advanced state than the other. This will make your attacks double, and since most of the crit chance items also build AS, Well, Shredded. **VS Assassins:** (BUT FOX! YOU ALREADY DID HARD HITTERS) Yes I did, but I didn't do assassins. Assassins differentiate from most Glass cannons or Speedy people, Because they usually have a Gap closer AND escape. Now, against Talon, or even Kat, Supports really make a difference, but if you can land crits on the enemy, and chunk them down: GG, if you cant... BG.

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Aura Kingdom Crit vs Dmg Stat Analysis by imakebirdiescry

Hi, welcome to my guide to CRIT vs DMG. Hopefully this will be part of a series that will include HP/DEF/EVA, ACC/CRITDMG, and possibly more (if anyone can think of a comparison they would like, please let me know).

Since I want this guide to be accessible and useful for everyone, I will start off with the conclusions of my math.

How should I build?

If you’re focusing on dealing the most damage possible, build for crit and crit damage. If you’re focusing more on defense (like guardian and bard), build for damage and ignore crit, because crit damage takes up alot of stat option slots that you would rather use for damage reduction, and crit without crit damage does not give you as much damage as DMG does.

In general, if you have over 200% crit damage, building more crit chance will give you more damage. If you have less than that, building more DMG will give you more damage. BUILDING CRIT AND CRIT DAMAGE WILL GIVE YOU MORE DAMAGE THAN BUILDING PURE DAMAGE WILL EVER GET YOU.

In particular, if you are going crit, you should try to get crit damage anywhere you can. This includes Envoy path, Ultimate skill (Callousness), Secret stones (go for the +6% crit dmg ones, even if they don’t affect any of your skills), trophies (aka Fia’s Fairy dust – this item was made for crit builds), and any other crit damage bonuses you can find. If you have to choose between crit chance and crit damage, and are around 200% crit damage already, 1% crit damage is worth about 0.25% crit chance. Obviously the more crit chance you already have, the more useful crit damage is, and the more crit damage you already have, the more useful crit chance is.

Calculations Intro

Since crit runs on RNG, we will use the law of large number averages to calculate an average damage. The simple formula for average damage is therefore as follows:

total damage = DMG * [1 + critrate * (critdmg – 1) ]

ex: You have 15000 DMG, 50% crit chance, and 170% crit damage. Your average damage is therefore 15000 * (1 + 0.5 * (1.7 – 1) ] = 20250.

Now, most of your damage comes from skills. Skills have a base damage and a damage ratio (these can be found here). Say you’re a level 45 wizard and your Meteor skill is level 48. You have a DMG stat of 15000. Then its damage is 1.4 * (9103 +15000).

Now one thing to note here is that increasing your DMG will increase the bonus damage, but not the base damage. A crit, however, will increase the damage of both the base and the bonus components. We can thus give the damage formula for a skill as:

skill damage = skillbonus * (base + DMG) * [1 + critrate * (critdmg – 1) ]

Now that we have a formula for skill damage, let’s take a look at how adding points to crit or damage will affect your overall damage.


Title bonuses and Eidolon bonuses are always applied at the end. They are not affected by any % increases.


Each stat point in damage increases your damage by 0.35%. This applies to both your base damage, weapon damage, and any bonus damage from gear. Other percentage increases in damage (from Envoys and from %DMG stats on gear) stack additively, not multiplicatively, with this. For example, say you have 10 points in damage (3.5% increase) and a full set of damage gear (8% increase). This is an 11.5% increase (3.5+8=11.5).

So the overall formula for damage stat is:

DMG = [(base + weapon + gear) * (stat% + gear% + envoy%)] + title + eidolon

This is the damage stat listed in your character window. The only difference between your primary and secondary weapons is the main damage stat listed on the respective weapons. All other % bonuses are applied the same way.

1 dmg vs 1 crit 5


When dealing with crit, I will refer to crit stat and crit chance. These are different. Gear/stats dealing with crit are generally added to your crit stat (some exceptions exist). Crit chance is your percentage chance to land a crit derived from your crit stat relative to the target’s level. Crit stat is linearly related to crit chance – that is, increasing your crit stat by 10 gives you the same increase in crit chance whether your crit stat is going from 100->110 or 3500->3510.

Each stat point you invest in crit will give you enough crit stat to raise your crit chance by 0.25%. That means the stat points you invest in crit give you a constant crit chance as you level, but their crit stat value increases as you level.

Most things that give CRIT+X% just add directly to your crit chance without affecting your crit stat. These incluce costumes, envoy path, and secret stones (?unsure, I don’t have any crit chance stones to test). However, a few gear bonuses will actually add a % of your crit stat. These % crit stat bonuses will ignore any crit stat you get from adding stat points, but include all crit stat gained from gear as well as your base crit stat.

The overall formula for CRIT% is:

CRIT% = %CRITBonus + (0.25 * statpoints) + {K * [ %CRITStat * (base + gear) + title + eidolon] }.

statpoints is the number of attack points you have invested into crit. %CRITBonus is the total sum of all your %CRIT bonuses that apply directly to your crit chance (envoy, costume, secret stone, gear). %CRITStat is the total sum of the %CRIT bonuses that apply to your crit stat instead of directly to your crit chance (ultimate skill, some gear). K is a constant of proportionality between your crit stat and your crit chance. This changes based on level. At level 53 my value of K is around 0.007, which means every point of crit stat gives me 0.007% crit chance.

A nice explanation of K by Mythyc:

I was actually compiling statistics on K (or in my case, 1/K [how many points does it take to get a 1% increase in a stat]and with my preliminary results (had to start a character from scratch to get these):

  • LVL 1 – 1.55
  • LVL 2 – 1.70
  • LVL 3 – 1.95
  • LVL 4 – 2.30
  • LVL 5 – 2.75
  • LVL 6 – 3.30
  • LVL 7 – 3.95
  • LVL 8 – 4.70
  • LVL 9 – 5.55
  • LVL 10 – 6.50
  • LVL 11 – 7.55
  • LVL 12 – 8.70
  • LVL 13 – 9.95
  • LVL 14 – 11.30
  • LVL 15 – 12.75
  • LVL 16 – 14.30
  • LVL 17 – 15.95
  • LVL 18 – 17.70
  • LVL 19 – 19.55
  • LVL 20 – 21.95
  • LVL 21 – 23.55
  • LVL 22 – 25.70
  • LVL 23 – 27.95
  • LVL 24 – 30.30
  • LVL 25 – 32.75
  • LVL 26 – 35.30
  • LVL 27 – 37.95
  • LVL 28 – 40.70
  • LVL 29 – 43.55
  • LVL 30 – 46.50
  • LVL 31 – 49.55
  • LVL 32 – 52.70


In other words, the difference in points between each successive level is increased by 0.1. 1/K describes the amount of points required to increase a given stat by 1%.
Applies to CRIT, EVA, SPD and DEF.

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit Game

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit

I found that the formula to find 1/K is:

(N (N+1) / 2) * 0.1 + (1.5 – [N * 0.05])

Where N is your current level.

In your case, 1/K would be:

53(54)/2 * 0.1 + (1.5 – (53 * 0.05)) = 141.95


K = 0.00704 (which coincides with your results)

Hope that helps

A more simplified version of the crit formula if you just want to check values quickly:

CRIT% = %CRITBonus + (K * critstat).

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit 1

Maths on total damage

Using level 48 Meteor as an example, we have:
skill damage = 1.4 * (9103 + DMG) * [1 + critrate * (critdmg – 1) ]
Sample starting stats are 15000 DMG and 20% crit chance. I plotted a change of 50 stat points’ worth in crit (red line) and indamage (blue line) at different levels of crit damage (130%, 190%, 200%, 210%, 300%). The following plot is what results:

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit 5

Here we see that at low crit damage, adding points to DMG will increase your damage more. However, once you go over 200% crit damage, adding points to crit will add more to your damage. Also, we can see that you will get more out of building crit+crit damage than you could ever get out of going pure damage. Also, a 10% increase in crit damage is worth a good 10 stat points’ worth of crit chance.

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